“Blessed be the Lord, Who bears our burdens and carries us day by day, even the God Who is our salvation! Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!” Psalms 68:19 (Amplified Bible)
This verse really stuck out to me when I read it a few months ago. I copied it down on a 3x5 card and put it in my kitchen where I could see it every day. It is a truth that has been very real to me for the past few months.
In my last blog entry I had mountain-top experiences to share. Mountain-top experiences may be followed by deep valleys...
A few months ago I found myself unemployed due to a downturn in production at the engineering company where I was working. During the months that followed, I applied to countless jobs. I obtained a temporary two-week job selling shoes at Costco but otherwise was unsuccessful in obtaining employment. I was amazed at the peace and joy that guarded my heart during this time as long as I kept my eyes on God.
There were moments when I would take my eyes off God, and fear and stress would begin to mount, and, like Peter, I would begin to sink beneath the waves. I was not the only one struggling...
Adolfo was finding that the university program he was enrolled in was not the right program for him. He finally decided to pull out of the program. Since then it has been difficult for him to cope with being unemployed (he cannot currently legally work in Canada) and with feeling homesick for Bolivia.
It has not been an easy time for us, but I am grateful for a God “who bears our burdens and carries us day by day!” He is the one who keeps us from breaking under the strain of those burdens, and His are the set of footsteps on the sand as He carries us in His arms.
A few weeks ago, I went over to my aunt’s house to help her with a special luncheon she was having for her ladies’ Bible study. One of the ladies at the study heard I was unemployed and suggested I apply at the retirement home where she worked. I applied and got a job doing housekeeping and some work at the front desk. Praise God!!!
I am greatly enjoying my new job! It is very close to home, and I enjoy being able to walk to and from work. The cleaning work is done as a team, and I love the ladies I get to work with each shift. I have especially enjoyed getting to know and become friends with one of my co-workers who is from Thailand. It is also a privilege to serve and get to know the seniors.
The need to trust God continues. My job is only part-time, and I sometimes am tempted to worry that my pay cheque will not be enough. God has been faithful, and I know He will continue to be so. I look forward to seeing how He provides for us in the months that follow.
If you want to know how to pray for us, please pray that God would provide for us, that He would continue to use this time to draw us closer to Him, and that He would give Adolfo clear guidance in making decisions for our future.
We are days away from Christmas, and I want to take the opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas!
Thanks be to God for His provision for our greatest need!!! Thanks be to God for becoming human and bridging the gap between man and God!!! Glory to God in the Highest!!!
beautiful, moving . . . plz continue it stimulates us to look closer to God. investigate putting a paypal link on here so folks can drop you some change when they have it available. we love you all.
ReplyDeleteDavid and Ruth